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through automated systems, AI or virtual assistants (humans)!

The Process

idea kryptonitous

How to avoid "Idea-Kryptonitous" and get started

July 18, 20234 min read

Hi, Katey here, you'll see a reference to Tiny Digital Growth which as a difference website I had based solely on automations. Since then have decided to consolidate and have everything under one umbrella-ella because simplifying the process is what I preach and should also be what I practice ;-)

“When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.” - Napoleon Hill

This quote by Napoleon Hill perfectly encapsulates the mindset behind the creation of Tiny Digital Growth.

Yesterday, I posted on LinkedIn - that I am going going to create in the open with an imperfect website, because it's taking me over two months to launch this website as a service.

My typical habit would be to:

  • build the basic pages: home, articles/blog, services, privacy, terms and contact us

  • connect it to social media channels

  • populate it with a few getting started blog posts; and

  • a sequence of onboarding emails.

However, for some reason, this process that would typically take a week to do -- is being interrupted with self doubt and idea-kryptonite.

So many good, fun ideas are flooding my prefrontal cortex along with a solid dusting of self-doubt. To the point, that I am not doing or displaying the skills of digital decluttering and simplification like I would want.

Being able to reduce your mental load is a skill I am proud of and imparting this knowledge in a way that is helpful - is a goal I would like to achieve.

I could outsource this to a Virtual Assistant...

But the truth is, I'll be changing my mind every few minutes. VAs are great at doing the work, implementing and following guides or strategies that have been set out before them. However if you are a crazy brained entrepreneur (also known as a visionary), like I am being at this moment in time, ideas are creating chaos not strategic services.

And because I'm starting from scratch. Right now don't have the time/money to pay for someone to pick up my crazy anxiety driven ideas and run ahead implementing. When in the might get scrapped or transformed into something else.

This does not add value to me, the VA or future clients. So, taking tiny digital growth actions forward on my own is going to be the best thing.

imperfect start

If you want to join the imperfect start, please contact me and we can do it together 👊

So, what's going to happen next?

Beyond crafting this post. I'm going to set up my Social Media publishing tool. This way I can have the content shared on all platforms at the same time.

Right now, I'm having trouble connecting Instagram to my platform. Which is causing me a headache as it shouldn't be this hard to connect it.

It's a small step forward, but it is a step.

If you feel like Social Media is a rabbit hole you are not sure about, tomorrow's post, will be discussing the tools, structure and how I made decisions. Plus how I solve the tech issue of connecting Instagram to my social media publishing tool. I will also be including, if I were to outsource this to a Virtual Assistant/Agency/Website Designer what I would do/recommend.

Also a special thank you to...

Some VAs based in the know who you are. If it wasn't for you pressing me to learn Workflow Automations and how to Optimise Business Owners - I wouldn't be creating this content. You are the key to helping make mine and so many other business owners lives easier.

For my consulting friends, who get this world but aren't ready to jump into a paid done-with-you service yet. Helping you do it yourself, and/or overcome any mental blocks or barriers into entry is what this post is all about.

And lastly, to the Hubboss team, for providing an all-in-one digital business management tool that runs TinyDigitalGrowth as a service. It saves me heaps of time in gluing things together. While it's not for everybody and it is a steep learning curve to getting started on a tool like GoHighLevel, it has been fun.

Thank you!

If you have questions or want to know something...

Feel free to reach out and message us, using the chat box in the right hand corner >>>

Getting Started Checklist

Here is a quick checklist of what's been done so far:

  • Purpose: Who, why and how I am going to be of service

  • General Ethos, Philosophy and Guiding Principles decided on

  • Branding Colours, Fonts and Website Theme chosen

  • Topics, Pages and Categories for content tracking added

  • Implementation plan created, using the simplest step first

  • Self accountability. Posted on LinkedIn my intention.

  • Done the next logical thing (create a blog post)

  • Setup the next steps and actions to do

A break down of all of these will be provided in tomorrow's post, along with next steps taken.

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Katey Shaw

Katey Shaw is the Editor-In-Chief at WowNoCode. She is a human, who enjoys working with technology to make business life easier. She also has a private Hypnotherapy consulting service.

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Hi I'm Katey 👋🏼 and I love all things Automations, AI and Neuro(human)Science.

I used to be a Virtual Assistant (living in Australia) before evolving into a Digital Business and Automations Manager. I was then recruited to manage a team of Virtual Assistants based in the Philippines.

Through this journey, I have seen the mental toll it can take on me as an individual, for the entrepreneurs I've worked with, and the team members (VAs) hired to manage things they aren't quite sure of. Sometimes, the stress of everything leaks on to their clients because the "what's happening next" isn't communicated clearly enough.

As a result, I've built a process to reduce the mental load for everyone and even recruited some robots along the way to help.

If you want to learn a little more about me, click the link below:


Get back time to spend with family, friends and other areas of growth!



your workflow

Have robots handle the copy & pasting from one platform to another. Get them to duplicate folders, files or proposals to be edited and emails drafted and prepared for sending.



your processes

Design templates, checklist and task notifications so you are not having to 'think' or keep your mental note reminders ringing to check if you've done something. Let the program keep a track of that



a Virtual Assistant

Get a human to run the system for you! From customer care, to service delivery, marketing admin, report editing and tech error troubleshooting. Virtual Assistants will be able to manage the nuances of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How automations work...

Automations help businesses increase their productivity by collecting information from one platform and updating another. For example, if someone makes a booking in your scheduling app like Calendly. It can update your CRM deal/contact card in a tool such as Hubspot to let you know this person has booked in.

If you wanted to, you could also create a follow up email reminder to be set to a person should they have not booked say within 2 days of the initial contact.

This process helps reduce you and your team's mental load, by not having to 'think' about updating your CRM and/or sending a follow up. As it's all been automated for you.

For more examples of various automations that can be created check out:

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What automations software do we use...

We like to take an automation without coding (no code) or low code approach for any system built to be run by a virtual assistant. As this makes it easy for anybody to manage. What this means is: we use tools like Zapier, Make (formerly Integromat), Pabbly or Insightly to digitally glue the programs together.

There are more advanced and technical software such as Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism and UI Path - however for the average consulting service these tools might be out of budget and unnecessary.

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How a virtual assistant works...

A virtual assistant (also known as VA) is a human who can work for you and your business, without having to step foot in your office. They work remotely either in their own home, a call centre type place or a co-working space deepening on your needs and requirements.

What a virtual assistant can do is wide and varied from admin support to social media marketing to data entry and report writing. Some virtual assistant can take phone calls and handle a wide range of tasks from appointment setting to recruitment management to project management.

Ultimately, a virtual assistant works best when given a role and set of tasks that they need to do regularly. Then if time and rhythm should allow it they can also squeeze in other adhoc tasks as requested depending on their capability.

Whether you are hiring in the Philippines, India or Africa or somewhere more close to your home base like Australia, America or New Zealand, each person needs a set of guides and some training to get started.

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AI, Automations and Virtual Assistants (VA) what is the difference...

At UnTask.Me when we talk about Virtual Assistants - we talk about humans - people typically located in the Philippines, but they can also be located in Australia, Africa, America or other locations in the world. These humans have a skill set in managing a basic level of business.

If you need strategic support in your business, then we recommend hiring a consultant, Online Business Manager (OBM) or Project Manager.

Automations require human setup, using a Correlation and If-this-than-that approach to ensuring the automated workflow gets executed as it should. The beauty of an automation is that once setup, a series of tasks that typically could be delayed due to human unavailability, can be executed by the program (robot) in under a minute 24/7.

The downside of automations is, like any piece of technology, you or your virtual assistant needs to check for updates and manage errors.

AI on the other hand, acts human like and provides answers if prompted to. AI is able pull from a data base of resources to get answers. For example Chatbots (can also be referred to a virtual assistants - but here at UnTask.Me we will refer to them as chatbots or AI) are able to supply solutions to your enquiry by using the inputted resources to get your answer.

Does AI get it right 100% of the time - no - it's probably closer to 80% accuracy. However, this is where having a human Virtual Assistant can support you, as they can assess and address the enquiry.

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